PC: Michelle on Unsplash

For kids, December is a fun, special month. Not so much for adults, who are busy creating the fun behind the scenes! Still, it’s a happy type of busy, with the spirit of hope and the anticipation of the holiday carrying us along.

It’s also the time of the year when everyone slows down enough to enjoy, celebrate and be together. Given the relentless pace of our lives, this breather is a much needed, much deserved pause.

As always, MAMMA-MIYA can help you pace out your to-dos, while grabbing time for yourself. And since gift shopping and Christmas prep wait for no one, we’ve put together a few Christmas lists to get you started!


Christmas Gift Shopping List & Ideas

  • Gift wrap

  • Gift tags

  • Stocking Stuffers – ideas for kids

  • Gifts for the whole family to enjoy

  • Gift ideas for adults, by personality. Those who are practical, sentimental, into experiences, the cozy type or hard to shop for.

  • This ultimate gift list has suggestions for everyone

Christmas Groceries List

  • Lemons, Limes, Cranberries, Satsumas, Melons, Apples, Potatoes, Sprouts, Carrots

  • Swede, Parsnips, Red Cabbage, Cauliflower, Peas, Onions

  • Garlic, Lettuce, Cucumber, Tomatoes

  • Stock Cubes : beef, chicken, vegetable

  • Sauces : Cranberry, Bread, Tomato, Brown

  • Gravy granules

  • Pickles, Mustard

  • Fresh herbs: rosemary, sage, thyme

  • Crackers

  • Cheese to go with the crackers

  • Dried fruits, nuts, biscuits

  • Milk

  • Oil

  • Turkey, Christmas ham, Bacon, Prawns, Smoked Salmon

  • Fresh Juice: Cranberry, Orange, Tonic water

  • Coke, Lemonade, Wine, Beer, Sparkling Wine

  • Tea, coffee

  • Eggs

  • Icing sugar

  • Vanilla ice cream

  • Mayonnaise

  • Butter

  • Self raising flour

  • Christmas cake

  • Bread

  • Cream


Christmas Extras List

  • Decorations for the house 

  • Decorate the tree

  • Kids to write letters to Santa 

  • Cookies & milk for Santa 

  • Candles

  • Stocking stuffers for everyone

  • Disposable baking trays

  • Reusable food containers 

  • Extra wide foil

  • New tea towels

  • Cling film

  • Batteries 

  • Bin bags

  • Toilet rolls

  • Kitchen paper 

  • Paracetamol / ibuprofen (for kids, too)

  • Plasters

  • Antiseptic Cream


Add and Manage your Lists on the app

We’ve added these lists to Mom-Life Templates, in the Explore section, below Self Care Ideas.

Click on any list and make it your own by adding or removing items, then add it to your Brain Dump. Now you can check them off as you get through them!