We all have that month (or two) in a year that we really don’t look forward to. Vacation months top many of our lists. For some of us, February, even if it’s not the coldest, feels like the worst month of the year.

There’s much to love about winter. Along with the winter break (which can be a mixed blessing), the winter season brings the biggest family holidays of the year – Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Cold weather also means waking up to pristine blankets of snow, sipping hot cocoa with marshmallows, cuddling under fuzzy blankets…

But the same sentiments of coziness, warmth and bundling into winter clothes can drive toddlers and young children to tantrums of frustration.

Sometimes getting the kids ready takes so much time and so much of putting on and taking off that we’re tempted to just cancel the outing itself!

If you have young children at home, you’ve also probably had frequent rounds of seasonal flus for 3-4 months straight, with the adults also falling sick and confined indoors for weeks on end.

In this scenario, February can feel like the lowest end of a really long winter.

Spending more time than usual indoors, not socializing as much, weather-driven changes in your daily schedule and the lack of sunlight can make you feel dull, sad and less interested in activities you usually enjoy. 

Your low mood can also affect your young kids, who are so perceptive, it feels like they have tiny emotional antennae throughout their bodies. 


Here are 3 ways to beat the winter blues: 

 1. Get out and about as much as you can 

Getting some fresh air, even if it’s for a short walk around the block, will lift your mood and cheer you up. Try to spend some time outside everyday during the warmer time of the day. 

Adapting to schedule disruptions instead of resisting them can be a chance to do something new that you wouldn’t have done otherwise, like watching the snowfall, soaking your feet in warm water or playing with your kids.

If you haven’t synced your health and fitness tracker with the app, now’s the time to do it. Give yourself a target to move and/or workout and the app will prompt you. 


2. Add color to your day and your plate

Winter is the time for warm soups, roasted chestnuts and sugar cinnamon cookies. It’s also the time for hot chocolate and marshmallows, and hearty, flavorful food that warms you from the inside.

Be sure to add fruits and vegetables to your plate as well. A balanced diet can help regulate your energy and your mood. 

Art activities like coloring and painting have proven therapeutic effects. At a time when the scenery outside can feel monotonous and limited, the process of adding color to canvas or paper can make expressing your emotions easier and reduce your stress. 


3. Take care of yourself 

Constantly looking after others can mean that your own needs end up in the ‘later’ bin.

So this time, put yourself first, even if it’s just for a few minutes.

Our Explore section has 100+ self-care ideas across categories like relaxation, mindfulness, connection, growth, creativity and health. Doing what you like will make you feel better.

You can also go out and socialize. Connecting with others beyond your daily personal and professional needs will boost your mood and make you feel less alone.

Doing something fun with family at home is another way to socialize, and make everyone feel better at the same time. Play a board game, do art and craft projects, or just dance to your favorite songs!


Here are a couple of resources, and some great ideas from parents who’ve tried and tested their own suggestions!  



The nicest thing about the rain is that it always stops. Eventually. – A. A. Milne, creator of Winnie The Pooh