When I became a mum for the first time I couldn’t comprehend how I could feel so fulfilled, and yet, so lost at the same time.
Before my first baby, I was living the life I had always dreamt of. I had a First Class Honours in Business Management and my career followed my heart as I travelled to over 25 countries, working in finance at Ernst & Young and then the F1/ IPL in sports marketing. I married my high school sweetheart & our relationship felt like it got better every day.
My life was filled with exciting experiences and diverse friendships. I was part of a supportive family that I was always able to be there for. I felt like I had all the time and freedom in the world – to travel, to exercise, to read, to learn and grow in any direction, to just-chill. I felt fulfilled.
Then, I became a mum. Nothing quite prepared me for all those highs and lows to come. As promised, most of the challenges of early-motherhood passed with the common advice I received, “this too shall pass”.
However, the struggle that seemed to only worsen with time was FINDING THE TIME AND THE ENERGY for all the other areas of my life that I still treasured – my career, other relationships, travel, fitness etc.
And although I was constantly reminded to pour myself into motherhood “because it all passes so quickly”– this was not a choice I wanted to make.
I wanted to be a great mother AND so much more. But how could I?
“I eventually realised they were carving out the time to attend to the thoughts & aspirations of the woman, the mother, the wife, the daughter, the friend, the entrepreneur, the change-maker within.“

So, I went around and spoke to all the women I most respected to understand what they were doing differently. I eventually realised they were carving out the time to attend to the thoughts & aspirations of the woman, the mother, the wife, the daughter, the friend, the entrepreneur, the change-maker within.
They had let go of the elusive concept of a perfect balance and replaced it with their own sense of rhythm – for each of the hats that they chose to wear.
Once I started consciously incorporating this concept of these different hats I choose to wear, I began to find the mind-space to do so much more.
By becoming intentional about these, my time and my family’s schedules, I found ways to fit in all the things that mattered most to me, alongside everything else I needed to do to keep the hundreds of moving parts turning smoothly.
Fast forward 3 years and 100s of conversations with moms around the world under our belt, my co-founder and I built and launched MAMMA-MIYA globally with the aim of spreading these “mom-learnings”.
My toddler was growing into a wonderful little human who even understood that “mama needs alone-time for yoga”. I found more time for relationships that mattered, I began to play football, I attended courses that inspired me, I finally made meditation a daily habit…my life felt like it was back on-track.
And then, I was pregnant again. BUT THIS TIME IT WAS A MUCH ROUGHER JOURNEY.
I no longer wanted to be around the people that used to bring me joy, the business that I’d poured my heart into was unraveling, none of the “hats” I had thoughtfully crafted for myself seemed to fit comfortably anymore. A few painful months later, I was diagnosed with something called “pre-natal depression” (that’s a story for another blog!).
Endless tears, a few relentless relationships, supportive doctors and a solid set of routines later, I had managed to come through that dark tunnel and even pulled off the VBAC I had hoped for. And now, I had a magical, courageous, shining little baby to show for it all.
But I believe one of my biggest learnings through this journey was just how important it was to tend to the “WELL-BEING” of us, moms – physically, mentally, socially, psychologically, intellectually, financially, spiritually.
I realised that I needed to do this for myself now – yes, it made me a better mom, but more importantly, a more fulfilled person. And equally for my daughters – so that someday, they too learn to fill themselves, from within.
With this realisation, I finally returned with renewed energy and a clearer vision than ever:
“MAMMA-MIYA would help us – busy moms – navigate our days with more intention so we live more fulfilling lives.”

“I hope Mamma-Miya will help us navigate our days with more intention so we live more fulfilling lives.”
Great inspiration to young mothers! Keep it up! I hope you guys do great!!!!!
Hi ! My name is jahnavi
I am 30 years old and clinical dietitian by profession
The favourite part of my app is the gratitude journal
I am really Excited seeing all my daily lists and everything that s been on my head in a more organised and systematic way