As moms, we’re all led by our daily schedules today, even if we made them ourselves.
There’s so much to do everyday, that we end up focussing on what we’re doing rather than how we feel about it.
Is there a way out of this relentless juggling, pushing through each day only to feel drained and exhausted at the end of it?
Is it possible to live a meaningful life when our task-lists threaten to overwhelm us if we don’t give them our continuous attention?
The answer to both questions is yes, and the path is intentional living.
What does living intentionally mean?
One part of intentional living is being purposeful about our energy and time, by making choices that speak to our values and our priorities.
In a world with so many demands on our time, mindspace and energy, “living with intention means stepping back and evaluating where that current is leading.
Is it aligning with the life you want to live?
Or is it pushing you further from your values and goals?”
Intentional living is about being aware of what is important to you, making time for it, and showing up.
It starts with an internal change, where we understand what matters to us, and then open ourselves to life’s experiences that give us these joys, even if it’s for a few moments.

Can everyone live intentionally?
We believe that a mom’s well-being is as important as her productivity, and intentional living can help moms prioritize what matters to us.
Worldwide, moms are more stressed, overworked and exhausted than ever.
In the relentless juggling of motherhood alongside work, home and family, we’re giving up our sleep, well-being, ambitions and dreams.

Surgeon General’s Advisory 2024
What does living intentionally feel like?
When you live your days in tune with your values and goals, you will feel more fulfilled because your days become more than endless task lists. They become purposeful, with possibilities for actions and experiences that matter to you and bring you joy.
Taking time to do what is important to you will give you an increased sense of ownership over your day, and a greater sense of control over your schedule.
Most of all, living intentionally frees you up to live in the present, and enjoy each moment fully.
Hats can help you live more intentionally
The Hats feature in MAMMA-MIYA was created to help moms live more intentionally.
1. Create Hats for the things that matter
Try to look at tagging every task, event or routine to a Hat as a mindful choice to spend your time in that role.
In the same way, when you create a Hat for something important to you, it acts as a gentle nudge to make time for it.
2. Show up for it, and don’t give up
Once you’ve decided what you want to make time for, schedule it at a time and frequency that works for you.
If you’re struggling to make time, start small, and try to be consistent. You will get better with practice.
3. Use insights to recalibrate
You can use the daily donut in the Home Page and the weekly insights to see how much time you’re spending on each of your Hats.
Knowing this can help you understand where your time is going, so you can make time for what matters to you most.