A 2018 study found that working moms clock an average of 98 hours per week. That’s the equivalent of 2.5 jobs.
As mothers, we know that we’re doing more than ever. We feel it in our tired bones, exhausted bodies and overloaded minds.
But, we might also think, we have technology to help us today! It’s true – machines have reduced much of our effort and time, particularly on housework. Today we can also get many things done online, saving us hours of commuting and standing in lines.
We might be spending less time doing housework today than in the 1960s, but we’re still doing a large part of it.
The house doesn’t clean itself (yet), the laundry still has to be put into the machine, then removed, folded and kept away. You still have to cook the food, keep track of the kids’ school schedule and activities, and most of all, carry all these to-dos with you, either in your head, in a calendar, or in a planner.
In other words, the work itself hasn’t reduced.
We’re also spending more time with our children than our predecessors in the 1960s, and we’re working longer too. More and more women have joined the workforce over the last 50 years. Working hours have steadily increased since, but the mental load that women, and mothers in particular carry, has remained the same.
The result is that worldwide, moms are exhausted, overwhelmed and tired of the never ending to-dos.
Across categories, mothers spend the least amount of time on leisure and the most amount of time on housework and care related tasks, while working full time just like everyone else.
This is why we created MAMMA-MIYA.
Our vision is to help moms be productive, but to also help manage their mindspace and well-being, and many of our users agree.

We understand that getting things done is only a part of the solution
As moms ourselves, we feel overwhelmed, overworked and underappreciated too. We also know that every mom’s struggle is unique to her.
Our features are designed to address this universal challenge, while offering the flexibility to use it the way it works for every individual. Here’s a short description of 5 of our most loved features:
1. My Day
We’ve divided the day into five intuitive parts so that you can organize everything without feeling overwhelmed.
Seeing your day in different views can help you focus on what to do next, to not over-schedule, and to intentionally prioritize your time.
2. Hats
Create a Hat for each of the roles you play in your life, and tag your tasks to them. The more colorful your day, the more fulfilled you’ll feel.
3. Brain Dump
The Brain Dump is a powerful place to dump everything you have in your head that isn’t part of your daily schedule or routine.
Declutter your mind and be more present, knowing that you can deal with it later.
4. Self-Care Ideas
This section reminds you to put yourself first everyday, even if it’s for 5 minutes. It’s got 100+ ideas and suggestions, depending on what you feel like doing and how much time you have.
Doing something for yourself can feel very satisfying, and can relax and nourish your body and mind.
5. Rescheduler + Prompter